About Padma Shri Vishnu Prabhakar District Library (Hisar)
The city of Hisar was founded by a Muslim ruler, Firozshah Tughlaq in 1354 A.D. ‘Hisar’ is an Arabic word which means ‘Fort’. The city, which we know today as ‘Hisar’, was originally called ‘Hisar Firoza (also Hisar-e-Firoza) or in other words the ‘Fort of Firoz’. But as the days rolled by, the very word ‘Firoza’ was dropped from its original name.
During Akbar’s reign (1556-1605) Hisar became once more a place of considerable importance. It was made the headquarters of the revenue Division known as sirkar. As some of Mughal Princes who were attached with Hisar, subsequently became the Emperors. The city of Hisar then known in the history of India as the Duke of Wellington of Mughal Era.
The Jahaz Pul and the Jahaz Kothi situated to the east of the city of Hisar, still remind the great Irish adventurer. Thomas used the Jahaz Kothi, which was once a Jain temple and afterwards converted into a mosque, as a residence.
It gained importance in early sixties when Agriculture University was setup as an extension of the Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. Ever since, the Government‘s positive policies have played a vital role in the economic development of the city. The industrial policy of the Government has attracted large number of entrepreneurs and has resulted into the industrialization in and around the city.
District Library, Hisar was established on Aug. 1967. The District Library is situated near Mahavir Stadium, Panchayat Bhawan, Hisar and is build in an area of 6090 sq ft. It has two floors. There is a reading room with capacity of 120 seats.. A collection of books is 57426 out of them 30000 are automated. Library provides Reference Service and help readers to locate the desired books. New arrived books are regularly displayed and information through notice boards is provided about various career opportunities. Library has Newspaper in different languages and subscription of weekly, monthly, bi-monthly and yearly Magazines. Padam Shri Vishnu Prabhakar District Library, Hisar was established on Aug. 1967. It is situated Near Panchayat Bhawan, Hisar. It has an ample variety collection of 55000 Books collection from general books to different subjects and has subscribed to 11 newspapers and 14 magazines. It has 170 life members and a fully ventilated hall with 200+ people seating capacity. Library serves approximately 50-60 readers and visitors on daily basis. It remains open to the public from 10 .00 am to 5.00 pm daily except Fridays, last Saturday of the month, and public holidays. The charges Rs 500/ as refundable Security fee. Library serves the information needs of its users without any distinction of class, creed, gender, and occupation.